How Hybrid Cloud Solutions Can Grow An IoT Infrastructure

Technology Blog

One of the more common applications of hybrid cloud solutions is to provide infrastructure for IoT (Internet of Things) projects. A hybrid cloud can be especially useful if you expect to need overhead for growth. Folks mixing IoT with cloud and on-premises systems should understand how the combination can produce a strong growth model.

High Availability 

IoT systems often need regular or even real-time access to servers. For example, many IoT deployments with minimal memory and storage capabilities have to upload their data quickly. Otherwise, they'll be at risk of losing the data because they'll have to clear it to maintain normal operations.

While this enables the use of low-spec systems at minimal costs, it also places a higher demand on the supporting infrastructure. Fortunately, a hybrid cloud offers high availability. A cloud-based hub can centralize information gathered. At the same time, you can use an on-premises system to collect data from the hub without calling all the devices. Similarly, you can send commands to the hub for distribution to all of the IoT nodes.


As your employment of IoT setups grows, you'll probably don't want to have to fight with hardware every time your collection of systems grows. Fortunately, hybrid cloud solutions are highly scalable. If you need to add a few TBs (terabytes) of storage, it's as simple as logging into the control panel and changing the allocation.

This also means you can keep things cost-effective in the early days. With little to no storage or compute time consumption in the early days, your cloud won't chew through your budget. When success allows growth, you can expand your infrastructure accordingly.

Extra Compute Power

Even if you have high-end systems on your premises, it can be tough to scale up compute power on an as-needed basis. Hybrid cloud solutions, however, allow you to quickly add CPU (central processing unit) and even GPU (graphics processing unit) instances. You can run your calculations for things like machine learning, accounting, or other activities. When the job is done, the resources will go back into the pool with no trouble. Especially if you only need to run computations from time to time, such as a once-a-week analysis, this can yield significant cost savings.


If you're using IoT devices, there's a good chance you'll be gathering lots of data and maybe even driving a number of actions. Having a redundant system in the middle can make a noticeable difference. Not only will this reduce the odds of a data loss occurring, but you also can configure redundant systems to communicate with and command your IoT tools in the field.


24 August 2022

Reaching Out to Understand Technology

When it comes down to it, there are a lot of issues that can occur if you aren't careful with technology. From having problems with printers to not being able to use computers properly, not being in the loop with technology can really spell trouble down the road. However, by making technology a priority and knowing how to stop issues from forming in the first place, you can completely transform your own personal experience. On this website, I wanted to write all about how to use technology to your advantage and know how to troubleshoot issues along the way. Check out these blogs to learn more.