How Does The Mananged IT Services Process Work?

Technology Blog

There are plenty of good arguments for using business managed IT services, from gaining additional expertise to reducing costs. Something that often makes companies leery about adopting the managed IT support model, though, is that they may wonder how it's supposed to work. Here's how IT services processes should work when you hire a third-party provider.

Monitoring with Agents

A big element of most business IT services agreements is implementing some form of monitoring. Technicians typically set up what are called agents. These are pieces of software that monitor the condition of your network and devices to make sure everything is humming along smoothly. When there is a problem, the agent alerts a business IT support professional who then intervenes to address whatever happened. You'll receive notices and updates as they address the situation until it is fixed.


Backups and disaster recovery tools are an essential part of many managed IT services models. This ensures your data will be safe if a system fails. Likewise, BDR implements processes for restoring your data if something adverse happens.

Cloud Computing, SaaS, IaaS, and PaaS

Advances in cloud computing have moved huge amounts of IT work out of your business and onto internet-connected devices. Software-, infrastructure-, and platform-as-a-service models make it easier to deal with broken systems remotely. If you're having a problem with a bug in your office productivity suite, for example, a technician can check out your virtual instance for the software. Even in the worst-case scenario, they can reprovision the instance and get you back to work ASAP.

Similarly, these models make bulk licensing agreements easier. If you need a full software stack for a team of 10 developers, for example, you would simply pay for the appropriate SaaS, IaaS, and PaaS implementations on the cloud. Your business IT services provider would give each team member their credentials, and they can get started.

In-House Elements

Depending on the nature of your arrangement with the business managed IT services company, you may or may not have in-house staff who have to deal with on-site issues. These are the basic fixes needed to keep phones, tablets, desktops, and laptops functional enough to use the services. Local third-party providers can also fill this gap.

Some providers offer on-site support, but you should never assume this. Always discuss your on-site needs in advance of signing so you can configure your service agreement accordingly.

For more information, contact a managed IT service today.


5 November 2020

Reaching Out to Understand Technology

When it comes down to it, there are a lot of issues that can occur if you aren't careful with technology. From having problems with printers to not being able to use computers properly, not being in the loop with technology can really spell trouble down the road. However, by making technology a priority and knowing how to stop issues from forming in the first place, you can completely transform your own personal experience. On this website, I wanted to write all about how to use technology to your advantage and know how to troubleshoot issues along the way. Check out these blogs to learn more.