What You Should Know About Using Butterworth Filters

Technology Blog

If you work with signals and frequencies, then you might be aware that there are filters that are commonly used in this industry. You might even work with some of these filters on a regular basis, but you still might not really know very much about them. For example, you might have some experience with Butterworth filters, or you might have heard of them at some point. However, you might still be missing a lot of information about these filters. These are a few simple things that you might want to know about Butterworth filters.

They Were Named After Their Creator

You could be wondering how Butterworth filters got their name. Some people are under the impression that Butterworth filters refer to filters of a certain brand name, but this is not the case. Butterworth filters are actually named after the man who invented them. His name was Stephen Butterworth, and he was a British engineer and physicist.

They Have Been Around for a Long Time

Even if you are new to the idea of using Butterworth filters, the truth is that they have been in use for a long time. They date back to 1930. Despite this, they aren't outdated. Instead, despite their age, Butterworth filters are still commonly in use today, and they will probably continue to be used for a long time to come.

You May Need to Use More Than One

When working with signals and frequencies, your primary goal might be to make sure that you have the best quality possible. This is one of the main reasons why Butterworth filters are used. Although you can see great results from using just one Butterworth filter, depending on the system that you are using and the frequencies that you are working with, you may find that just one filter is not sufficient. In these cases, people often use more than one filter. For example, you might use a low-pass filter and a high-pass filter. You may also need to use a Butterworth filter in conjunction with another type of filter. Again, this depends on the system and frequencies that you are working with.

You Should Find Working With a Butterworth Filter to Be Easy

Lastly, be aware that working with a Butterworth filter is usually pretty straightforward and easy. It can take a little bit of practice and tweaking to get it right, but once you do, you'll probably find that it's pretty easy to do in the future.

If you would like to buy Butterworth filters, contact a retailer to learn more.


22 June 2020

Reaching Out to Understand Technology

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